InterCounty Teams

UTC is a member of the InterCounty Tennis Association (ICTA) which is an interclub league and championship in the GTA and Southern Ontario. The club’s competitive members play for 14 weeks (from mid May until mid August), against clubs in the surrounding area.

The ICTA Tennis Leagues are based on competitive doubles tennis divided into levels of play. Each team is assigned a team captain who is responsible for contacting the opposing team, creating weekly lineups, and agreeing on time of play. Each team member should provide availability to play but is not required to be available for all 14 weeks.

Teams tryouts

Are you looking to play competitively and represent Unionville Tennis Club?

Please see the table on the right for the tryout date and times. Please register for the tryouts by clicking on the button below the table.

If you have not played Intercounty for UTC before, or if you have any team related questions please contact our Teams Director at

The final selection of team members is made by a Teams Committee composed of the teams captains and the Teams Director. All those selected from tryout will be contacted by their respective team captain, or the Teams Director at least one week prior to the start of the ICTA season.

Evening Mixed League

The Evening Mixed League is geared to strong intermediate players and better. ICTA offers four (4) divisions: Major, A, B, and C. UTC has at least one team (sometimes two) in each division!
Teams play on Tuesday (Major & B divisions) and Thursday (A & C divisions) nights starting at 7:00 PM.
Twelve players are required for each fixture, generally eight (8) men and four (4) women.
At each mixed league fixture, six (6) matches are played:

  • One (1) Ladies’ doubles

  • Two (2) Mixed doubles

  • One (1) Men’s doubles

  • Two (2) Open doubles (generally Men’s doubles, but could be hybrid)

Morning 55+ Mixed League

The Morning 55+ Mixed League plays 3 matches on Thursday mornings, one (1) men's doubles, one (1) ladies’ doubles and one (1) mixed doubles matches.

Morning Ladies League

The Morning Ladies League is played on Wednesday mornings (Majors, A and B). Each fixture consists of four doubles matches.

Juniors InterCounty Team

From mid May until the end of June, UTC has competitive Juniors participating in the Juniors Intercounty Tennis League. The teams are made up of players in different age groups; mixed U12 and mixed U14/U18. The leagues run Saturdays or Sundays over a 6 week schedule. Please consult the Junior Intercounty Teams page for more information.

Which leagues do we play in?

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